Barack Obama was one of the greediest of all.
And he sucked up to Big Money in order to make sure they scratched his back.
Manya Brachear Pashman (Chicago Tribune) reports:
Technology and energy corporations have joined the list of top donors to the Obama Foundation, which on Friday made public the names of more than 700 patrons from the last three months.
Exelon and Microsoft have given more than a million dollars to the foundation, which was founded in 2014 but boosted its fundraising efforts after President Barack Obama left the White House.
Reid Hoffman, a venture capitalist known for creating LinkedIn who has himself given more than a million dollars to the foundation, sits on the board of Microsoft. William Von Hoene Jr., a senior vice executive president at Exelon, which pledged $10 million over the next five years, helps lead the foundation's efforts to promote diversity and inclusion.
As Lily Tomlin says in 9 to 5, "Look who just got paid off for services rendered."
And if you're not getting how disgusting Barack really is, note this from James Petras (ICH):
Progressives provided the foot soldiers for the election and re-election of the warmongering ‘Peace Candidate’ Obama. After the election, Progressives rushed to join the lower echelons of his Administration. Black and white politicos joined hands in their heroic struggle to erase the last vestiges of the Progressives’ historical legacy.
increased the number of Bush-era imperial wars
to attacking seven weak nations under American’s
‘First Black’ President’s bombardment, while the
Progressives ensured that the streets were quiet
and empty.
When Obama
provided trillions of dollars of public money to
rescue Wall Street and the bankers, while
sacrificing two million poor and middle class
mortgage holders, the Progressives only
criticized the bankers who received the bailout,
but not Obama’s Presidential decision to protect
and reward the mega-swindlers.
Under the
Obama regime social inequalities within the
United States grew at an unprecedented rate. The
Police State Patriot Act was massively extended
to give President Obama the power to order the
assassination of US citizens abroad without
judicial process. The Progressives did not
resign when Obama’s ‘kill orders’ extended to
the ‘mistaken’ murder of his target’s children
and other family member, as well as unidentified
bystanders. The icon carriers still paraded
their banner of the ‘first black American
President’ when tens of thousands of black
Libyans and immigrant workers were slaughtered
in his regime-change war against President
surpassed the record of all previous Republican
office holders in terms of the massive numbers
of immigrant workers arrested and expelled – 2
million. Progressives applauded the Latino
protestors while supporting the policies of
their ‘first black President’.
Progressive accepted that multiple wars, Wall
Street bailouts and the extended police state
were now the price they would pay to remain part
of the “Democratic coalition’ (sic).
The deeper
the Progressives swilled at the Democratic Party
trough, the more they embraced the Obama’s free
market agenda and the more they ignored the
increasing impoverishment, exploitation and
medical industry-led opioid addiction of
American workers that was shortening their
lives. Under Obama, the Progressives totally
abandoned the historic American working class,
accepting their degradation into what Madam
Hillary Clinton curtly dismissed as the
That's the real Barack.
This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Friday, July 14, 2017. The Mosul Slog, officially over, continues.
Day 269 of The Mosul Slog -- yes, it is still going.
Day 269 of The Mosul Slog -- yes, it is still going.
People coming out of Mosul. I don't think we have any idea what a humanitarian tragedy this has been
And continues to be.
War Crimes.
They haven't stopped and the US is aiding them. This is in clear violation of the Leahy Amendment which demands the US pull all financial and military support for any country whose military does what is videotaped above.
Peter Beaumont (GUARDIAN) reports:
The Iraqi government has said it will investigate a graphic video that appears to show its soldiers killing an unarmed suspected Islamic State fighter by throwing him off a high ledge.
The video was reportedly filmed in the Mosul area where Iraqi troops have largely retaken a city once controlled by the extremist group, and comes amid mounting concern over claims of abuse committed by Iraqi soldiers and police in the battle for Mosul and in its aftermath.
[. . .]
The footage shows a man being held in a building and then dragged by soldiers across an open area to a ledge above a drop of at least 30ft where another body lies motionless.
It appeared alongside a second video that has also been circulating on social media which appears to show a man in Iraqi army fatigues gunning down an unarmed man kneeling in front of a car.
#The_NewArab Iraq investigating horrific video of soldiers throwing tortured IS suspects from clifftop #Iraq
Bill Van Auken (WSWS) reports:
Gun battles continued to rage and air strikes sent plumes of smoke rising over Iraq’s devastated second largest city Wednesday, more than 36 hours after the country’s prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, proclaimed victory in the nine-month US-backed siege of Mosul.
The top US commander in the US interventions in Iraq and Syria, Gen. Stephen Townsend, told Pentagon reporters via a video call from Baghdad that fighting in the city could go on for weeks.
“Make no mistake, this victory alone does not eliminate ISIS, and there’s still tough fighting ahead,” Townsend said. “There are still pockets of resistance in Mosul, holdouts, and hidden IEDs that will take weeks to clear.”
He added that there remained “a lot of mopping up and back-clearing to be done.”
These terms are military euphemisms for a continuation of the killing and destruction that has left tens of thousands of civilians in Mosul either dead or wounded and driven over 900,000 from their homes.
There are growing indications that the “mopping up” being carried out by Iraqi security forces and sectarian militias operating with the aid and guidance of US Special Forces “advisers” involves a campaign of revenge assassinations and terror against anyone believed to have collaborated with ISIS during the three years it controlled Mosul, as well as against the families of suspected ISIS members and supporters.
Iraqi security forces have been dragging away men and boys seeking to escape the city. The Washington Post described a “screening station” set up in an old fairground on the eastern bank of the Tigris River where “dozens of men sat in rows last week and waited for judgment.” The article continued: “Military intelligence officers in balaclavas sporadically moved among them to pull out an evacuee accused of working with the militants.” Videos have surfaced of the brutal torture of such suspects, who have been beaten with hammers and run over with tanks.
The Mosul Slog may have been declared over but it slogs on.

There was fighting in the Old City of Mosul today, 3 days after victory was declared. Not over yet. By @stephenkalin
These are the haunting images of Mosul's civilians, still fleeing the city despite Iraqi forces celebrating victory.
The Mosul Slog keeps slogging. Tony Duheaume (AL ARABIYA) wonders what awaits Iraq
Now for this . . .
Proud of @Malala who spent her 20th birthday with girls in Kurdistan / Iraq. Read more
It's the coward who visited Iraq only once during his eight year presidency.
Trying to grab some luster from a young woman's trip to Iraq.
She's a young woman.
Look what she's doing.
By contrast, Barack's floating around on David Geffen's yacht knobbing with Tom Hanks and Bruce Springsteen.
But he thinks he's in a place to Tweet about anything?
He oversaw the largest transfer of wealth in US history and the destruction of wages for the working class but he goes off to party on a yacht. And then rushes in to Tweet about someone else doing what his candy ass should have been doing?
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