Isaiah posted "The Shooting Range" on Sunday.
Today on Talk of the Nation (NPR), the guests were Peter Baker, Dennis Ross, Daniell Pletka, Andrew Sum, William Holland and Douglas Belkin.
Far from the nonsense of Neal Conan, Bill Van Auken (WSWS) explores the ugly realities of the Drone Wars:
“We are not ruled by murderers, but only—by their friends,” Rudyard Kipling wrote a century ago. That the poet’s stinging aphorism has become hopelessly outdated is made clear by a New York Times article detailing the assassination program being run out of the Obama White House.
The lengthy May 29 article in the Times establishes that personally plotting killings and selecting victims occupies a great deal of President Barack Obama’s time. The process has been organized as a weekly routine, with Obama heading so-called “Terror Tuesday” meetings of military and intelligence officials. Each week they assemble in the White House situation room to study mug shots and biographies of those on the “kill list”, some of them minors and, in one case, “a girl who looked even younger than her 17 years.”
In the end, Obama selects most of the victims. He “signs off on every strike in Yemen and Somalia and also on the more complex and risky strikes in Pakistan—about a third of the total,” according to the Times.
Thus, when one sees or hears news accounts of “suspected militants” being slain in a drone missile strike—or the less frequent follow-up stories revealing that the “militants” were in fact unarmed men, women and children—it can be assumed that Obama personally ordered the killings.
He is killing innocent people. And yet some idiots and whores are still planning on voting for him. Not because they don't know. They know. They're just going to pretend like it's not happening. I believe that's how it started in Germany.
This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Monday, June 4, 2012. Chaos and violence continue, Baghdad is slammed
with a bombing, the political crisis continues, Moqtada al-Sadr makes a
statement, and more.
If someone had never heard of Michael Rubin and you told them about him,
they'd probably laugh and assume you were attempting to be amusing.
Michael Rubin does actually exist and, sadly, he's 100% serious. At Commentary, Rubin yet again plays his the-sky-is-falling card.
He's played it so many times that you have to wonder if maybe there
aren't actually pigeons in the trees around his home. Most
dramatically, he played the sky is falling card when he screamed for war
on that 'great threat' to the US, Iraq. Now days, he's convinced
there's a Kurdish threat to the United States, specifically, the Kurds
who are part of the Kurdistan Regional Government. This leads to his
psychotic visions of the KRG as "Iran's Trojan Horse."
And he constructs a case that would be very convincing if you didn't pay attention.
Rubin wants you to know that a recent interviw had a figure which
surprised him "70 percent of Iran's Iraq trade is with Kurdistan." He
then tosses out an excerpt, then he's back, "While jouranlists have
reported on Kurdistan Regional Government oil smuggling to Iran, the
proportion cited by Hosseini surprised me, so I check the figured
[sic] with the Iraqi embassy in Washington; they confirmed the 70
He can't seriously be that dumb. He can be dumb enough to try to fool
you, right? But not dumb enough to really think that the 70% figure is
smuggled oil?
Or that the US embassy has a solid number for any alleged smuggled oil?
The whole point of a smuggled good is that it's not officially
tracked. Rubin does get that, right?
I'm not sure. His link on the 70% goes to this Fars News Agency report -- usually seen as Iranian state press (controlled press) -- and, no, there article on "trade ties" is not about smuggled oil.
Rubin is currently humping the bed at night in his sleep while dreaming
of war on Syria and Iran. Sometimes people will wonder if the US liars
and fools who pimped the Iraq War learned a damn thing? Michael Rubin
is proof positive that, while they continue to have sticky sheets, the
boys didn't learn a damn thing.
I do agree with him that the US government and the Kurdistan Regional Government are as far apart currently as they have ever been. I disagree that this is because most US service members were pulled out of Iraq last December. The reason that the KRG and the US have problems currently is because the US put together the Erbil Agreement and vouched for it and when Nouri al-Maliki trashed it after it allowed him a second term, the US government refused to stand by the agreement. That's why there are problems between the two and those problems were in place before November of 2011. So there's no need to pretend that the December drawdown created it. And Rubin's generally smarter than he lets on, so he may be aware of that and may be trying to get the US to mend fences by spreading rumors that Tehran and Erbil are locked in an embrace? It certainly wouldn't be the first time that Rubin 'spun' reality in an attempt to force the US government to do what he desired.
Rubin can take comfort in the fact that he's not the biggest idiot pundit today. That's Carl Davidson explaining to Matthew Rothschild (Progressive Radio) how the US Communist Party split over Gorbachev and his group ended up being the Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism ("It started as a split off the Communist Party. They rebelled over the, you know, Gorbachev question [. . .].")
Even funnier than that is Carl bragging about how he and tired Marilyn Katz set up Barack's speech -- yes, America, Communists Carl and Marilyn set it up -- in 2002, that weak-ass "I'm against Dumb Wars." Carl's delusion that setting up the speech or that pro-war speech was anything to be proud of is right up there on the absurdity chart with Drew Westen helping compose Barack's 2008 faux race speech and then Drew rushed around online to praise the speech forgetting to note his own input. Only the careful listeners will note how Carl's still attempted to get back for every real and imagined slight over the last forty or so years. I thought Eric Alterman's recent media appearences had set the standard for radio bitchy -- where Alterman was insisting that Communists betrayed the left during the McCarthy period because liberals were telling the truth but, Alterman insisted, Communists were lying. Enter Carl.
Carl's voting for Barack again, he rushes to explain. Even when Matthew
notes the assassination of US citizens, the attack on the Constitution
and so much more. So Barack can again count on the the bourgeoisie
Communist support (there are real Communists with real ethics in the US
-- Carl doesn't associated with any of those people). Carl does the
turkey trot down memory lane on Barack, "Me and 8 Acorn ladies
interviewed him for The New Party." The New Party was a Chicago
Communist Party front 'fusion' party and you can find criticism of it
and its lackey ways -- Carl's always been a lackey -- in this Green Party piece from 1996 written by Hank Chapot. "And then Marilyn Katz and I sat him up to give that first anti-war speech," he brags.
Barack Obama is a corporatist and we've said that all along. He's an
imperialist as well. I thought Carl Davidson was the one who spread the
rumor that Barack was a Socialist (again, that is a false rumor). Carl
swears it wasn't him. Elaine and I remember Carl doing that.
Clearly, the US government has cloned Carl Davidson and that may be the
scariest news of the day, dozens of Carls running through the US -- well
lumbering. Dozens of Carls insisting on action . . . after Barack gets
four more years. Dozens of Carls whoring as only he can do. Truly
With a different take than Carl's 'Barack's so dreamy and groovy, I think he was eyeing me in chem lab and I really, really hope he calls me tonight!!!!" there's the take David Swanson offers in Joanne Boyer's article for Wisdom Voices:
"If you can't object to giving someone arbitrary power to kill, if you can't object to that because you can imagine someone else coming up will be even worse, then we've really tied both hands behind our back."
You have choices and you make decisions. And don't whine about how
Congress won't stand up for this or that treasured policy/belief you
hold dear if you're not willing to stand up against shredding the
Constitution, or endless wars, or assassinating American citizens or any
of the rest. Don't whine that Congress vote to extend the PATRIOT Act
if you're going to turn around and vote for the person (Barack) who said
the extension was needed. Congress will never vote their convictions
if the electorate refuses to vote their own. Instead, you send a message
that you will tolerate every sell out because you'd rather live in fear
all your life.
Today Baghdad was again slammed by a bombing. And though it happened
this morning in Baghdad (shortly before noon, their time) and though
people in America woke up to the already reported news, the US State
Dept's Mark Toner made it through an afternoon press conference without
ever conveying that the US government extends its sympathies to the
survivors of the attack. The White House also had nothing to say on the
issue. At the United Nations, spokesperson Eduardo del Buey (link is text and audio) noted
the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy Martin Kobler condemned the
bombings, "He said that these atrocious crimes against the Iraqi people
need to stop and the perpetrators should be brought to justice and he
once more called for all Iraqi's to remain steadfast in the face of
violence." Again, not a word on the tragedy from the Barack Obama
Kareem Raheem (Reuters) quotes
police officer Ahmed Hassan stating, "It was a powerful explosion, dust
and smoke covered the area. At first, I couldn't see anything, but
then I heard screaming women and children. We rushed with other people
to help . . . the wounded were scattered all around, and there were body
parts on the main street."
Mohammed Tawfeeq (CNN) reports the morning attack was a suicide bomber who attacked "the offices of Shiite religious affairs." Yang Lina (Xinhua) explains, "The Shiite endowment office is an independent body affiliated to the government and is responsible for running the Shiite mosques and their religious properties." Radio Netherlands Worldwide adds, "The attack comes amid a dispute between Iraq's Shiite and Sunni endowments, which manage the country's religious landmarks, over a shrine north of Baghdad, and a protracted political standoff that has raised sectarian tensions in a country racked by brutal communal bloodshed from 2006 to 2008." AGI quotes the deputy director of the endowmen, Sami al-Massudi, stating, "We are not accusing anyone but we are appealing to the Iraqi people and especially to the children of our religion to move swiftly to bury the discord." AFP notes that the Sunni Endowment headquarters were attacked shortly after by at least one bombing or mortar attack (the Ministry of the Interior states it was a roadside bombing) and the Sunnin Endowment spokesperson, Faris al-Mahdawi, is quoted stating, "We reject and condemn this criminal, cowardly, fanatical attack. These attacks aim to create divisions between the Iraqi people. There are dirty hands that are playing sectarianism, and trying to bring the country back to the years of violence."
An unnamed hospital source told Alsumaria early on that 16 corpses were received and 83 injured. The death toll continued to increase throughout the day. By the end of the day, Reuters noted 26 deaths and one-hundred-and-ninety people injured. ITV carries two photos by Hadi Mizban (AP) showing the destruction from the bomb.
AP reports that the injured include Baghdad Health Department's Adel Ahmed who was at work when the nearby bombing attack took palce and that the ceiling in the Health Department came loose and hit him in the head. AP offers an slide show presenation on violence since 2003 here. AFP offers a timeline of some of the major violence in the last months.
Mohammed Tawfeeq (CNN) reports the morning attack was a suicide bomber who attacked "the offices of Shiite religious affairs." Yang Lina (Xinhua) explains, "The Shiite endowment office is an independent body affiliated to the government and is responsible for running the Shiite mosques and their religious properties." Radio Netherlands Worldwide adds, "The attack comes amid a dispute between Iraq's Shiite and Sunni endowments, which manage the country's religious landmarks, over a shrine north of Baghdad, and a protracted political standoff that has raised sectarian tensions in a country racked by brutal communal bloodshed from 2006 to 2008." AGI quotes the deputy director of the endowmen, Sami al-Massudi, stating, "We are not accusing anyone but we are appealing to the Iraqi people and especially to the children of our religion to move swiftly to bury the discord." AFP notes that the Sunni Endowment headquarters were attacked shortly after by at least one bombing or mortar attack (the Ministry of the Interior states it was a roadside bombing) and the Sunnin Endowment spokesperson, Faris al-Mahdawi, is quoted stating, "We reject and condemn this criminal, cowardly, fanatical attack. These attacks aim to create divisions between the Iraqi people. There are dirty hands that are playing sectarianism, and trying to bring the country back to the years of violence."
An unnamed hospital source told Alsumaria early on that 16 corpses were received and 83 injured. The death toll continued to increase throughout the day. By the end of the day, Reuters noted 26 deaths and one-hundred-and-ninety people injured. ITV carries two photos by Hadi Mizban (AP) showing the destruction from the bomb.
AP reports that the injured include Baghdad Health Department's Adel Ahmed who was at work when the nearby bombing attack took palce and that the ceiling in the Health Department came loose and hit him in the head. AP offers an slide show presenation on violence since 2003 here. AFP offers a timeline of some of the major violence in the last months.
AFP quotes a restraunt owner whose first name is Mohammed declaring that, "Maliki and Allawi are fighting over the government, and we are the victims." Yes, the political crisis continues. The Journal of Turkish Weekly quotes Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi stating that the reforms have not come to Iraq, "From my point of view, there are two phases for a country's transformation. The first one is to erase the dictatorial regime, and the second one is to make reforms. But Iraq now seems to be a police state."
Tareq al-Hashemi was speaking at a conference in Turkey. He is being tried in absentia in Baghdad. Nouri al-Maliki issued an arrest warrante in December, charging al-Hashemi with terrorism. al-Hashemi has stated he cannot receive a fair trial in Baghdad. His fears were demonstrated to be accurate in February when the judges held a press conference -- months before the trial ever started -- to declare al-Hashemi was guilty. One of the judges even declared that Tareq al-Hashemi had tried to kill him. And that accusation didn't bother anyone. That a judge who believed (or said he did) that al-Hashemi tried to have him killed was sitting in on the case was seen as 'fair.' Only in Nouri's Iraq.
Tareq al-Hashemi is a member of Iraqiya. Iraqiya came in first in the March 2010 parliamentary elections. Nouri's State of Law came in second. Nouri began targeting Iraqiya (yet again) in the fall of 2011. In December, he began targeting Iraqiya members al-Hashemi and Saleh al-Mutlaq. al-Multaq is a Deputy Prime Minister. For telling CNN that Nouri was becoming a dictator, Nouri began months of trying to have al-Mutlaq ousted from his position. That move proved fuitlie. But the crisis continues. This weekend Mohamad Ali Harissi (AFP) offered:
"The political crisis has reached its highest level since its beginning, but it is still running within the framework of the democratic game," Iraqi political analyst Ihsan al-Shammari said.
"The country is paralyzed on all levels; there is a clear political
paralysis paralleled by governmental negligence and a failure of the
legislative authority, while the people are disappointed and afraid of
the security consequences," Shammari said.
But Nouri has had and still has another option: implement the Erbil Agreement.
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