That's Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Cry Baby Sore Loser" from Sunday.
I've already drawn a line between myself and the recount effort.
I felt that was necessary.
Glad to find I'm not the only Green feeling that way.
Here's an online statement (which you can sign if you'd like):
We write to reaffirm our commitment to building a Green
Party that has a radical analysis of the society in which we live, and
promotes bold solutions to transform our society and address the root
causes of those crises; a Green Party that is independent of the two
money-dominated parties.
There is a deep social crisis in the US. This crisis
manifests in countless ways. One of its central manifestations is
through the political system. People have legitimate concerns about the
electoral system, which is manipulated through wholesale voter
disenfranchisement, massive voter suppression and the racist and
undemocratic historical logic of the Electoral College. In all fifty
states, voters from poor and marginalized communities, especially Black
people and other communities of color, have their votes suppressed and
are excluded from participation through various practices.
The Green Party cannot build the political power necessary
for the transformative changes we need by allying with two capitalist
parties that serve the interests of the wealthy. That is why it is
imperative that the Green Party is independent of those parties. We stay
independent to give people an alternative to the corruption of two
money-based parties. Greens reject donations from corporations and their
political action committees to ensure we are accountable to the people
and so that the people’s agenda is not superseded by the corporate
There are significant electoral reforms needed to make
elections more democratic and more representative of the people. While
we support electoral reforms, including how the vote is counted, we do
not support the current recount being undertaken by Jill Stein.
The decision to pursue a recount was not made in a
democratic or a strategic way, nor did it respect the established
decision making processes and structures of the Green Party of the
United States (GPUS). The recount has created confusion about the
relationship between the Green and Democratic parties because the states
chosen for the recount are only states in which Hillary Clinton lost.
There were close races in other states such as New Hampshire and
Minnesota where Clinton won, but which were not part of the recount. And
this recount does not address the disenfranchisement of voters; it
recounts votes that were already counted rather than restoring the
suffrage of voters who were prevented from voting.
As a candidate, Dr. Stein has the right to call for a
recount. However, we urge the GPUS to distance itself from any
appearance of support for either Democrats or Republicans. We are well
aware of the undemocratic actions taken during the primaries by the DNC
and the Clinton campaign. Greens cannot be perceived to be allied with
such a party.
We remain committed to the Green Party’s four pillars and
ten key values, which have at their foundation grassroots democracy. We
urge the GPUS to prioritize its efforts on building our party from the
bottom up, working and organizing in direct solidarity with our state
and local parties and alongside and in defense of the rights of those
most affected by the injustices of a capitalist, white supremacist and
undemocratic system. This includes support for local efforts to prevent
the disenfranchisement of people of color via voter suppression or
because of felony convictions and to be more inclusive and participatory
in our decision-making processes and work.
Chris Blankenhorn, Co-Chair of Green Party US, GPUS Youth Caucus, Illinois
Andrea Merida Cuellar, Co-chair of Green Party US, Co-founder GPUS Latinx Caucus, Colorado
Bahram Zandi, Ph.D., Co-chair of Green Party US, Maryland
Janet Martell, Secretary of Green Party US, North Carolina
James Andrews, Youth Director, Stein-Baraka campaign, New York
Adrian Boutureira, Green Party of Texas, Socialist Greens, Jill2016- Field Director- Latinx Outreach Coordinator
Kevin Zeese, Senior Adviser Stein-Baraka campaign, Maryland
Chris Hedges, Stein-Baraka endorser, author, New Jersey
Brandy Baker, National Committee Delegate, Maryland
Steven Ballard, Massachusetts Delegate to National Convention (Jill Stein Supporter)
Jim Brash, Green National Committee, New Jersey; Green Party of New Jersey Green Council
Tim Casebolt, Secretary, Lavender Green Caucus
Sharon LeMay Green National Committee delegate and Anoka
County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor, District 5
(January 2017), Minnesota
Gini Lester, Lavender Greens Caucus, Illinois
Steven Linnerooth, GPUS National Committee Delegate, Minnesota
Cynthia McKinney, 2008 Presidential candidate, Georgia
Rosa Clemente, 2008 Green Party Vice-Presidential candidate, New York
Lauren Besanko, former Green Party candidate for State Legislature, Maine
Owen R. Broadhurst, 2006 candidate and former member of Green-Rainbow Party's Administrative Committee, Massachusetts
Eric Brooks, Coordinating Committee Member, Green Party Of California
Michael Cornell, Green, Former Member and Chair of the Columbia Council, Maryland
Don DeBar, past Green Party Candidate, New York
John Eder, (G) Portland Board of Education, Maine
Margaret Flowers, former Green Party candidate for US Senate, Maryland
Sean Friend, Green Party of Colorado Secretary, Young Greens Caucus Secretary
Tyler Henderson, Alabama Green Party Chair
Myles Hoenig, former Green Party candidate for Congress, Maryland
Daniel Kogoj, Former Green Party Rep on Leichhardt Council, Port Jackson Greens, New South Wales, Australia
LuAnne Kozma, Green Party National Committee delegate, Michigan and former Michigan coordinator, Stein/Baraka campaign
Mark A. Lause, former state committee Green Party, Ohio
Michael Leonardi, co-founder Green Party of Ohio
Carl Lundgren, Chair, Bronx County Green Party/Verdes del Bronx, New York
Joe Manchik, former Green Party candidate for Congress, Ohio
Carlos Martinez, Viva Jill Stein, Texas
Rose S. Roby, Co-chair Pinellas Green Party Local, Florida
Derrick Romero
Willie Schatz, Washington, DC
Cindy Sheehan, Political and social activist, media
Robert Showalter, Colorado
Jake Tibbetts, Youth activist
Amanda Trujillo, Denver Green Party Co-Chair
Julia Williams, former Green Party candidate for Congress, Michigan
Ajagbe Adewole-Ogunade
Billy Akin
Kali Akuno, Supporter, Mississippi
Sheila Albertson
William Aldridge, Green party supporter, Virginia
Robert Alft, Green Party, Capitol District, Albany, New York
Dr. Jared Ball, Green Party member, Maryland
Bob Ballard, Party Organizer, Ventura County Green Party, California
Julie Banuelos, Denver Green Party, Colorado
Manuel Barrera, PhD, Associate Professor of Urban Education, Metropolitan State University, Minnesota
Basil Benjamin Jr.
Rosemary Bensko, Berkeley, California
Michael Evan Bertoni, Poudre Valley Greens, Colorado
Rick Brown, concerned Green Party member and worker, Green Party of Taos, New Mexico
Troy Buckner-Nkrumah, Green Party voter and financial contributor, Alaska
Andrea Carney, Denver, Colorado
Amy Cassada
Lisa Chakan, Green Party, New York
Steve Claassen, Fresno County Green Party, California
Selby Coffin
Linda Danz
Kevin Daugherty, Green Party member, Pennsylvania
Brian Delafayette, Green Party, San Diego, California
Cristi Demnowicz, Green organizer, Baltimore County Local, Maryland
Ash Di
Jackie L. Douglas, Green Party member, AR
Kenneth C. Eidel, St. Petersburg Green Party, Florida
Samuel Day Fassbinder, Pomona Valley Greens, California
Chris Felice, Green Party supporter
Kenosha Ferrell, Green Party member, Miami-Dade, Florida
Lucas Frye, Virginia
Michael Furci
Maria Furmato
Nekita Gandy, Green Party member, Mississippi
Juan Garibay, Green Party member
Ann Garrison, Alameda County Green Party, California
Bill Gerhard
Robert M. Goetz, Green Party of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Andres Gonzalez, San Antonio Green Party, Texas
Damian Gonzales, community organizer, Adams County Green Party, Pennsylvania
Craig Gordon, Green Party member, Florida
Michael Gottlieb
John Gowen
Margaret Graney, Green Party at Lexington Area Greens, Kentucky
Dr. Ed and Harriet Griffith, Green Party, Washington State
Vicci Hamlin, Green Party voter, Ohio
Chris Herz, Green Party, Maryland
Eric Hudson, Chicago Green Party, Illinois
Angela Humphrey, Green Party member, Denver, Colorado
Mark Iozzo
Linda Jansen, Green Party member
Leith B. Jasinowski-Kahl, Longshoreman, Labor and Racial Justice Activist, Green, Washington State
Judea Johnson, Green Party of Alameda County, California
Deb K.
Alex Kantrowitz, Member Illinois Green Party, 2000-2010
Naim Karim
Sarah Kenny
Dakotah Lilly
James Joseph Madigan, Baltimore Green Party, Maryland
Greg McDonald, Green Party voter
Shane McDonnell, Mesa County Green Party, Colorado
Gail Mello, Arizona
Frederick B. Mills, PhD, Green Party Member, Philosopher, Montgomery County, Maryland
Chip Molter
Max Monclair, Green Party member, Colorado
Will Noble, Pacific Green Party, Oregon
Bruce Oatway
T. Oliver, Pacific Green Party member, Oregon
Melanie Oringer, MoCo4Bernie Core Group Leader, Maryland for Bernie Co-chair
Ted Orr
Robert Ouellette, Green Party, New Hampshire
Christy Penleric
Matt Peppe, Green Party member, Maryland
Joanna Perry
Dave Petrovich, watermelon Green Party Member Monmouth County, New Jersey
Diane Poland
Scott Richardson, Independent
Peggy Robertson, Green, former public school teacher, Arapahoe County, Colorado
Jeff Roby, Editor, St. Petersburg Independents, Florida
Dan Scanlan, Nevada County Green Party, California
Anita Seeling, recovering Democrat
Rob Seimetz
Jesse Shaffer, Travis County Green Party, Texas
Robert Showalter
David Soumis, Independent Green
Chelsey Sprengeler, Green Party, Illinois
Roy Stanley
Lorna Stein
Connie Stopmer, Green
Thom Taylor, Green Party, Charleston, South Carolina
Albert L. Terry, III, Green Party member, Alabama
Ann Tulintseff, Green Party member, Colorado
Pancho Valdez, Former GP member. San Antonio, TX
Face Valyou, Lyricist & Producer in Built To Write, Organizer for 15 Now Roanoke, Virginia
Mike W., Green Party of Floria
Rachel Watkins
Robert "Bison" Whittenberg, Green Party Activist
Brian Wiles, Former Longshoreman, Haiti Solidarity Activist, Racial Justice Organizer, Metro Detroit Green Party, Michigan
Jessica Wilson, Stanislaus County Green Party, California
Skyler Wind
Patricia Wisneski
Lee Wood
Giovanna X (aka "Liviana"), Co-Owner, "Berners for Jill Stein" at Google Plus
New Hampshire had some serious issues.
And a recount there might benefit Greens.
But it might also hurt Hillary.
So it gets avoided?
And the only recounts being sought are in three states that she lost?
I don't like the looks of it.
It's Jill Stein playing the Democratic Party's kid sister.
I don't know that's her intent but I can't figure out her intent for the life of me.
She's saying to Wisconsin she feels there was fraud in the counting of votes.
But in her sworn statement, she's instead talking about hacking and Russia.
What is her point?
If it's to get her name better known, I'm sorry I don't think she should be the nominee three times in a row.
I would have liked to have seen Jared Ball, for example, this go round.
This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Monday, November 28, 2016. Chaos and violence continue, the Mosul
'liberation' effort continues, Rosie O'Donnell goes after a child, and
much more.
Iraqi Sunni Civilian tortured , burned and killed by Shia militias backed by Iraqi Gov.
RUDAW reports:
Head of the Sunni tribe of Shammar in Iraq has voiced concern over Saturday's official recognition of the Hashd al-Shaabi, a Shiite paramilitary group with growing influence in the country following its sweeping victories against ISIS militants across Iraq.
After a voting session on Saturday, Iraq's parliament granted legal status to the controversial group which has managed to mobilize Shiite forces and push back ISIS militants in several key regions across the country in the wake of Iraqi army's humiliating defeat after ISIS offensive in 2014.
But the Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces in Arabic) has faced mounting criticism in the country as rights groups accused its forces of illegal detention of Sunni men and destruction of their properties in what activists view as Shiite retaliatory actions against Sunni populations in Iraq.
"Members of Shia militias, who the Iraqi government has included among its state forces, abducted and killed scores of Sunni residents in a central Iraq town and demolished Sunni homes, stores, and mosques following January 11, 2016 bombings claimed by the extremist group Islamic State," a statement by the Human Rights Watch noted earlier this year.
The Washington-based rights group has also accused the Shiite group of possible war crimes and inhuman treatment of Sunni detainees.
"We understand that there is a war taking place at present in Mosul, but on the other hand the Hashd al-Shaabi has been legalized and that we deem as dangerous for Iraq's future," said Abdulrazaq Shammar, head of the Shammar tribe, a large Sunni tribe in Nineveh Plains.
In 2014, when the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq finally pushed US President Barack Obama to stop covering for thug and then-prime minister of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki, a number of things should have happened including a diplomatic surge.
As Peter Beinart observed (at THE ATLANTIC) in June of 2014:
But sooner or later, honest liberals will have to admit that Obama’s Iraq policy has been a disaster. Since the president took office, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has grown ever more tyrannical and ever more sectarian, driving his country’s Sunnis toward revolt. Since Obama took office, Iraq watchers—including those within his own administration—have warned that unless the United States pushed hard for inclusive government, the country would slide back into civil war. Yet the White House has been so eager to put Iraq in America’s rearview mirror that, publicly at least, it has given Maliki an almost-free pass. Until now, when it may be too late.
Obama inherited an Iraq where better security had created an opportunity for better government. The Bush administration’s troop “surge” did not solve the country’s underlying divisions. But by retaking Sunni areas from insurgents, it gave Iraq’s politicians the chance to forge a government inclusive enough to keep the country together.
The problem was that Maliki wasn’t interested in such a government. Rather than integrate the Sunni Awakening fighters who had helped subdue al-Qaeda into Iraq’s army, Maliki arrested them. In the run-up to his 2010 reelection bid, Maliki’s Electoral Commission disqualified more than 500, mostly Sunni, candidates on charges that they had ties to Saddam Hussein’s Baath Party.
For the Obama administration, however, tangling with Maliki meant investing time and energy in Iraq, a country it desperately wanted to pivot away from. A few months before the 2010 elections, according to Dexter Filkins in The New Yorker, “American diplomats in Iraq sent a rare dissenting cable to Washington, complaining that the U.S., with its combination of support and indifference, was encouraging Maliki’s authoritarian tendencies.”
By that fall, to its credit, the U.S. had helped craft an agreement in which Maliki remained prime minister but Iraqiya controlled key ministries. Yet as Ned Parker, the Reuters bureau chief in Baghdad, later detailed, “Washington quickly disengaged from actually ensuring that the provisions of the deal were implemented.” In his book, The Dispensable Nation, Vali Nasr, who worked at the State Department at the time, notes that the “fragile power-sharing arrangement … required close American management. But the Obama administration had no time or energy for that. Instead it anxiously eyed the exits, with its one thought to get out. It stopped protecting the political process just when talk of American withdrawal turned the heat back up under the long-simmering power struggle that pitted the Shias, Sunnis, and Kurds against one another.”
In July of 2014, Ali Khedery shared in THE WASHINGTON POST:
understand why Iraq is imploding, you must understand Prime Minister
Nouri al-Maliki — and why the United States has supported him since
have known Maliki, or Abu Isra, as he is known to people close to him,
for more than a decade. I have traveled across three continents with
him. I know his family and his inner circle. When Maliki was an obscure
member of parliament, I was among the very few Americans in Baghdad who
took his phone calls. In 2006, I helped introduce him to the U.S.
ambassador, recommending him as a promising option for prime minister.
In 2008, I organized his medevac when he fell ill, and I accompanied him
for treatment in London, spending 18 hours a day with him at Wellington
Hospital. In 2009, I lobbied skeptical regional royals to support
Maliki’s government.
2010, however, I was urging the vice president of the United States and
the White House senior staff to withdraw their support for Maliki. I
had come to realize that if he remained in office, he would create a
divisive, despotic and sectarian government that would rip the country
apart and devastate American interests.
America stuck by Maliki. As a result, we now face strategic defeat in Iraq and perhaps in the broader Middle East.
We could go on and on.
But those of us paying attention in real time didn't need the 2014 articles. Check the archives, we were sounding alarms the whole time including noting in late 2011 as peaceful protests began that they were the last chance before violence.
We were noting that the ballot box had now failed, the leaders had failed and now it would be up to the people.
Instead of heeding the protests, Nouri al-Maliki dubbed the Iraqi people "terrorists" and began using his forces to attack them -- as well as to attack reporters who covered the peaceful demonstrations.
His war on the Sunnis was in full bloom.
Two years after Barack forced him to step down and after the US installed Hayder al-Abadi as the new prime minister, nothing has been done to address the persecution of the Sunnis.
All the conditions that allowed for the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq still exist.
And the slog in Mosul continues -- Mosul's been held by the Islamic State since June 2014. The 'liberation' effort's been going on 42 days now.
Falluja was 'liberated' earlier. Kamal Al-Ayash (NIQASH) reports:
When he returned to the city of Fallujah, Ayman al-Mamawi wasn’t surprised to see his house in ruins. The 46-year-old had already received pictures a friend had taken for him and he knew there was substantial damage, even before he made the decision to return to his home in Iraq's central Anbar province.
As he got closer to his house, al-Mamawi said he started thinking about his priorities in terms of reconstruction and return, what he should start fixing and when.
“But as soon as I got closer I started to smell a really bad smell,” al-Mamawi told NIQASH. “Finding the source of that smell became our first priority. And finally we discovered what was causing it: There were corpses in the ruins.”
Al-Mamawi says that next he went to notify the security forces. “We were too scared of explosives to count how many dead there were. And we decided that the best thing to do would be to demolish the whole house and get rid of the human remains – as well,” he notes, “as all of our belongings and memories, which were also in the ruins.”
Of course, al-Mamawi argues, the corpses of the dead fighters from the extremist group known as the Islamic State that once controlled the city, is a good sign. “It’s an indication of the success of the Iraqi forces during the fighting,” al-Mamawi argues. “At the same time though, it is also a criticism of the local government. They have not done their job. There are still corpses everywhere!”
Al-Mamawi is not the only returnee in Fallujah to have to deal with this problem. People are finding rotting corpses all over the city and now there is a fear they might cause an epidemic, not to mention the psychological impact they have. The corpses are also a problem for the local authorities and the security forces because of the concern that there are explosives on them or hidden around them – special engineering teams are needed to get rid of the bodies.
“It would never have occurred to me that one of my biggest problems would be that there would be a corpse in every corner,” says Amer Halbusi, a 53-year-old, who recently returned to his home in the Nazirah area of Fallujah.
That's what 'liberation' in Iraq looks like to the people.
And the rulers have not been forced to address anything -- or even encouraged.
The White House has handed over F-16s, US troops, reconstruction funds (millions) and dropped bombs.
It just hasn't attached any of this to a requirement that the Iraqi government show progress on the political front, that they work towards reconciliation.
So it's all been one long waste.
Doubt it?
Refugees are dying in refugee camps.
RUDAW reports:
All Mosul refugees at the Iraq-Syria border crossing where several had died of the cold have been evacuated and brought to a camp in Syria, the UN’s refugee agency reported on Saturday.
“2,458 people have now been moved from Rajm Slebi border crossing point to Al Hol camp north-east Syria,” the UNHCR stated on their website. The number includes 2,031 Iraqi refugees and 427 displaced Syrians.
“The crossing point, which is not an environment where humanitarian agencies can adequately meet people’s protection and humanitarian assistance needs, is now empty.”
At least four people, including three children, died in the cold at the border crossing his month.
How do you fail at protecting the refugees?
Turning to the US . . .
Oh, Ro-Ro. Rosie O'Donnell stepped in it again and tracked it across the carpet and then tried to pretend she didn't. As RADAR explains:
Rosie O’Donnell is desperately trying to sweep her comments she made about Donald Trump‘s 10-year-old son under the rug.
O’Donnell came under fire by fans on Twitter after she sent a bizarre tweet out about the president-elect’s son Barron: “Barron Trump Autistic? if so – what an amazing opportunity to bring attention to the AUTISM epidemic,” with a video clip.
Her fans quickly exploded, blaming the former View hostess for putting the spotlight on him for no reason.
As INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES notes, she's insisting this was a good will Tweet.
Because calling a 10-year-old, in public, autistic is clearly a compliment to both the young child and his parents, right?
Rosie's full of it and she really needs to stop lying.
Check out Kat's "Shame on Rosie O'Donnell and Debra Messing" from earlier this month.
She should have her Twitter account suspended them. She was trying to shame Donald Trump's wife by posting photos of First Lady's fully clothed and then one of Ms. Trump nude.
She was trying to 'slut shame.'
She knows she did it.
And she got away with it.
Now she thinks she can walk it back and pretend like because her most recently adopted child (that she refused to share custody of with her ex-wife) has autism.
Okay, Ro-Ro, someone needs to break it down for you.
Your use of money to attack your ex-wives and keep them from the children is disgusting. It's Bully Boy behavior. Here's another thought Ro-Ro, this behavior could qualify as fraud and put your adoptions at risk. You don't have to remain married to keep an adopted child but if you promised a child two parents and you're now using things like the suicide attempt (that your actions forced your latest ex-wife into) to keep the women from seeing their children? That could get you in hot water.
There is nothing in feminism that allows you to keep a mother from her child.
You're a bully.
And nothing allows you the right to put a cloud of suspicion over any child.
You were wrong and you should apologize.
But you don't have the integrity or ethics to apologize.
So instead, you'll just act as though you intended no harm and pretend you're puzzled why so many are appalled by what you did.
Children are supposed to be off limits.
But a woman who robs other women of their right to raise their own children doesn't really seem like a loving parent, does she? She just seems like an angry and bitter fool who sees children as toys and pawns to be used.
Grow up, Rosie.
New content at Third:
- Truest statement of the week
- Truest statement of the week II
- A note to our readers
- EDITORIAL: Saint Barack and the cult he rode in on...
- TV: The weekly best laugh bet
- About a possible recount or two or three
- Go Go Hillary by Glo-Glo Steinem
- Miss Priss Kenneth Roth
- Tweet of the week
- This edition's playlist
- Fidel Castro (1926-2016)
- Standing Rock Tweets
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