- Spread the word: 5% of the popular vote would qualify @GreenPartyUS for millions in public funds & ballot lines around the country.
- Americans do not want "hope" & "change," it is power--an actual decision in how our society functions--that people have been demanding.
- If we are ever to #BreakThe2PartyTrap, the time to start building an alternative is now. Every Green vote moves us closer to real democracy.
- .@DrJillStein: "I'll feel bad if Donald Trump is elected, but I'll also feel bad if Hillary Clinton is elected"
- The U.S. government has an obligation to respect indigenous sacred lands & the sovereignty of indigenous people. We #StandWithStandingRock
- The most insidious form of #ClimateChange denial is when "environmentalists" funded by polluters promote fracking. We need to #BanFracking.
- A vote for Trump is a vote for Trump; a vote for Clinton is a vote for Clinton. Break the vicious cycle of lesser evilism. #VoteGreen2016
- The real silent majority is 57% of Americans who want a new major party. Your vote helps us build @GreenPartyUS as a party for the people.
Or you can continue the ever devolving more-of-the-same drain on our souls.
We can move forward.
All it requires is that you vote for what you actually believe in.
This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Thursday, November 3, 2016. Chaos and violence continue, Mosul isn't
liberated and bad things are happening there (don't tell THE
INDEPENDENT), a mole at the Justice Dept was tipping off Hillary
Clinton's campaign regarding the criminal investigation into her
actions, and much more.
As the US presidential election nears, new revelations about War Hawk Hillary Clinton emerge. As THE YOUNG TURKS reported yesterday afternoon the Democratic presidential nominee was being tipped off about an ongoing FBI investigation into her actions by a Justice Dept mole.
As the US presidential election nears, new revelations about War Hawk Hillary Clinton emerge. As THE YOUNG TURKS reported yesterday afternoon the Democratic presidential nominee was being tipped off about an ongoing FBI investigation into her actions by a Justice Dept mole.
WikiLeaks: DOJ official gave ‘heads up’ to Clinton camp: cnn.it/2e3jgwn @jimsciutto reports on #TheLead
Politico follows up on our DoJ-Clinton collusion story #Kadzik #PodestaEmails
Peter Kadzik is the mole in the Justice Dept.
He is an Assistant Attorney General with the Justice Dept -- among his roles? Providing Congress with updates on the probe into Hillary Clinton.
Among his new roles: Finding a job and facing charges.
That's what needs to happen.
You cannot have trust in the government and have someone at the Justice Dept tipping off subjects of investigations.
Doesn't matter the subject is guilty or innocent -- nor is that something the FBI determines.
You cannot have anyone tipping people off.
That's illegal and unethical.
Peter Kadzik was supposed to be working for the American people but instead found a 'higher calling' in serving Hillary Clinton.
He must be fired and he must be fired immediately.
This is not an issue that has much leeway.
Unless US President Barack Obama is attempting to provide Congress with reasons to launch probes and, in fact, explore his entire two year term.
That's what his failure to fire Kadzik means.
It means that there is no accountability and that Kadzik's corruption is relatively minor when compared to what else is going on so Congressional probes are needed.
Kadzik needs to be fired and stripped of any security clearances.
He needs to be publicly dismissed for what he did to the public trust and for what he did to his office.
ZERO HEDGE has coverage of the scandal here.
Another issue that is immediately raised?
The federal government needs to ensure that employees are not using private e-mails to conceal things from the public.
Kadzik leaked news of the FBI investigation in e-mails to John Podesta from Kadzik's private e-mail account.
Kadzik's actions call for his immediate dismissal.
And the Clinton campaign? Kevin Johnson (USA TODAY) reports:
Asked Wednesday about the relationship between Podesta and Kadzik, Clinton campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri characterized the communication as "stolen emails that haven't been authenticated."
Hillary snarled Saturday, "Voters deserve to get full and complete facts."
They don't care.
They dodge.
They blame Russia.
Voters deserve to get full and complete facts.
The Clinton campaign must answer on the Kadzik issue.
Isaiah 's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Hillary and the FBI."

When does Hillary have to tell the truth to the voters?
Exposed for getting debate questions ahead of the debate and now exposed for what could be a criminal leak of an investigation, when does Hillary get honest with the voters?
Delusional Hillary supporter George Takei flashes his ignorance today.
The 1990s under the Clintons were a time of prosperity, government surpluses and no wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. #JustSayin #ThrowbackThurs
As we've noted before, a mind apparently atrophies when in a closet for decades.
Is Takei's head so far up his ass that he's not aware of the sanctions the Clintons carried out against Iraq and the deaths of approximately 500,000 Iraqi children as a result of those sanctions.
The 90s may have been a go-go period for Takei -- I have no idea what was going on in closeted lifestyles of the no longer rich or famous back then -- but it wasn't wonderful for the children of Iraq.
500,000 dead children. In the words of Mad Maddy Albright (and apparently Takei agrees), it was worth it.
500,000 dead children.
That's a massacre.
People should be on trial at the Hague.
VIDEO: Brother mourns as deadly US airstrike kills 8 family members in Iraq
Dropping back to yesterday's snapshot:
[. . .] yesterday's State Dept press briefing where spokesperson John Kirby tried to deny civilian deaths from bombs dropped by war planes.
QUESTION: Okay. Can you update us on Mosul? It seems that the Iraqi army has made its first foray into Mosul proper, the city.
MR KIRBY: I don’t know that for a fact, Said. I have seen some press reporting to that effect. I am leery, as you know, to get into battlefield updates here. But what I can tell you from what I have learned outside of press reporting is that they are making progress, that their campaign is actually ahead of schedule, and they continue to prosecute the fight against [the Islamic State] in and outside Aleppo. But exactly where they are, as you and I speak, I truly don’t know the answer to that.
QUESTION: Now, it’s a little blurry in terms of, let’s say, coalition and aerial bombardment, as far it is concerned. Can you tell us anything – is the U.S. involved in – at least in the battle in terms of, let’s say, fighter jets and so on? Is there participation?
MR KIRBY: That is a better question put to my Defense Department colleagues. I don’t have the order of battle in front of me or what specific air support the Iraqis are getting. It is – I mean, it is a fact that coalition air support has assisted the Iraqi Security Forces on the ground for many, many months, and that the coalition air power was always intended to be part and parcel of the Mosul operation. But exactly what that entails on a day-to-day basis, I just don’t have that information.
QUESTION: Because I just want to follow up on our thing yesterday, as far as air support and the civilian population and so on.
QUESTION: And you indicated that it is very precise and so on. But how do you – what kind of reports are you getting in terms of civilian casualties, whether by coalition air power or whether by the Iraqi army, or in – or by [the Islamic State] for instance? So what kind of reports on civilian casualties are you having?
MR KIRBY: I’m not aware that we’ve received any reports or credible allegations of civilian casualties caused by Iraqi Security Forces or the coalition thus far in the campaign. Again, I would encourage you to speak to my colleagues at the Pentagon. They track those things, as they should, more closely than we do here at the State Department. I’m not aware of any allegations of civilian casualties.
And I would say, as I said yesterday, we – we, the United States military in particular – takes extreme care and precautions against trying to – against causing damage to civilian infrastructure or civilians in general. And when we think we’ve done it, we investigate it. And when we know we’ve done it, we own up to that. We put a press release out after the investigation is over. And if people need to be held to account for that, well, we hold them to account. And that makes – that – we hold ourselves to a pretty high standard – and a higher standard, I might add, than virtually any other military in the world. So I guess I just don’t know if there’s been any reports.
Those reports are never credible to John Kirby.
And I'm sure the video isn't either.
Not to him.
In one of the more outrageous pieces of propaganda, THE INDEPENDENT serves up "The battle to liberate Mosul is bringing sectarianism in Iraq to an end."
War has brought peace, gushes the paper as it wets itself in excitement.
But reality is never quite as giddy. Today, Human Rights Watch issued a press release:
(Erbil) – Kurdish authorities in Kirkuk, in their most recent round of displacements, have been ejecting Arab residents and Arab internally displaced people there since the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, attacked the city on October 21, 2016.
Human Rights Watch is not aware of any similar displacements affecting Kurdish residents of the city. Given that Arabs seem to be the sole victims of these demolitions and evictions, and no explanation has been given by the authorities as to why they are being so targeted, the KRG actions appear to be discriminatory.
Another longtime Arab resident of Kirkuk said that he heard security forces order displaced families from Hawija living in five homes to leave Kirkuk, but he did not know where they had gone once their houses were destroyed.
Human Rights Watch reviewed three videos that a neighborhood resident whose house was not destroyed filmed on October 25, showing what appeared to be dozens of houses reduced to rubble. Human Rights Watch is not aware of any injuries or deaths resulting from these demolitions.The neighborhood is more than 25 kilometers from the front line in the current operation to retake Mosul and Hawija. It was not affected by the ISIS attack in Kirkuk on October 21. There are no military structures in the area, which is mostly residential, said Kirkuk residents and Human Rights Watch researchers who visited the neighborhood earlier in 2016.
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