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#Hunter2020's Green Path Forward is a step further from the Green New Deal. We not only vow to have all businesses switch to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030 but also eliminate plastic pollution, scale back agribusinesses, promote co-ops & green spaces
Dec. 10th is Human Rights Day. On this day and every day after, let's repeat to everyone we meet, "We are all born free & equal. Every one of us has rights!"

Our campaign has been saying this for some time now. We can't simply lean on the clean energy targets in the Green New Deal and continue w/ an irresponsible approach to animal agriculture. The future of our planet demands that we scale back. #Hunter2020
My heart is broken over the deadly targeting of a kosher supermarket in my hometown of Jersey City. I wish healing and comfort for all those affected by this tragedy. We must commit to building a world free of hate and violence & welcoming of diversity.
I oppose Trump's efforts to define Judaism and antisemitism in a manner really intended to stifle criticism of Israel. Antisemitism is real, but if Trump wants to address it he needs to stop fueling white nationalism.
If you missed it. the Democrats have reupped the PATRIOT Act, they've backed more war and they've offered no real objection to any thing that we supposedly stand against. Aren't people getting tired of pretending the Democrats are going to find a spine? It's not a lack of spine or a lack of will. It's the fact that they're on board with all the policies they give lip service to opposing.
- Democrats wouldn't even oppose Trump ban on transgendered troops, or using money to build the wall or withdrawing support for the war in Yemen as part of the 738 billion 2020 NDAA gift to the military industrial complex. Democrats are war criminals even more so than republicans.
- The ruling class must get a laugh on the U.S. public everyday. 738 Billion is the amount approved by the House for the military in the 2020 NDAA with the support of 188 democrats while they had you focused on this phony impeachment process.
At the same time Democrats were saying Trump is a mortal danger who must be impeached, they quietly:
-renewed PATRIOT Act to hand Trump unrestrained spying power
-backed Trump's new NAFTA trade deal
-gave Trump $738B military budget
They're not resisters- they're collaborators.
Get it?
This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Friday, December 13, 2019. Joe Biden suffers serious shrinkage as the
corporate media continues to ignore Joe's biggest problem in Iowa (the
caucus itself), Tiny Pete has some donors demanding their money back,
and much more.
Starting in the US where the race for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination continues.
Starting in the US where the race for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination continues.
I can personally attest to this about Joe Biden. He connects with people through his authenticity, his genuine concern and a wonderful, heartfelt compassion! #Biden2020
For me, it was the leather fringe vest that Joe wore which put him ahead of both Bobby Sherman and Davy Jones on the dreamy scale. Just looking at the glossy photos of him and those pale blue eyes, I knew he was so sensitive and I said to myself, "Girl, you already missed out on Paul now that he's married Linda. You can't lose out on Joe too."
Thank you to Elaine and Pam above for their worthless contributions since, in fact, we're speaking about a politician hoping to become President of the United States and not some guy on the cover of TIGER BEAT. If we promise to give you the huge color poster of Joe shirtless in this month's issue of TIGER BEAT, ladies, will you promise to leave the public square so that adults can discuss the policies and proposals and voting records and actions of those who want to be president instead of serving up your useless crap? Thanks.
OF COURSE Hunter Biden's drug possession charge was swept under the rug as @JoeBiden was pushing to jail black boys for the same thing
Jordan, I believe that's "men." African-American men. But regardless of wording, that's the reality. Hunter Biden's drug addiction is long, long, long. It dates back to Joe in the Senate. The whole time Joe was pushing policies that punished African-Americans (men and women) at a higher rate than White Anglos, his own son was doing drugs and Joe knew it. Slap the headline "The Joe You Don't Know!" on it and maybe Pam and Elaine will read it.
Jordan's referring to this report by Alana Goodman and Joseph Simonson (WASHINGTON EXAMINER):
Joe Biden’s son Hunter was arrested on Jersey Shore drug charges in 1988 and had his record expunged at a time when his father was pushing for the incarceration of drug offenders drawn disproportionately from minority groups.
The arrest has not previously been reported. Republicans have recently highlighted Hunter Biden's drug abuse, questioning why it was not taken into account when the lobbyist was appointed to a $50,000-a-month post on the board of the Ukraine oil company Burisma in 2014, when his father, as vice president, was the Obama administration's lead official on Ukraine.
A year after the arrest, Joe Biden gave a speech in which he said the federal government needed to “hold every drug user accountable" because, "If there were no drug users, there would be no appetite for drugs, there would be no market for them." He neglected to mention the drug use in his own family.
Joe is such a hypocrite. But he's worse than a hypocrite. The hypocrite across the streets just trashes you while he's doing the same thing. Joe went beyond trashing with words, he actively sought and promoted and supported policies that came down hard on others for doing the same thing that Princess Hunter did -- the same thing that Princess Hunter, because of who his father was, got away with doing.
"As a Biden." Remember that? These last months we've heard that over and over. Joe vouching for himself and insisting he's telling the truth "as a Biden." That family's name is mud and Joe and Hunter are responsible for that.
Joe Biden is the WORST Democrat running. He is senile from the "Silent Generation" one cannot legitimately say to him "ok Boomer". He spews BS and we laugh, call them gaffes, 'coz it's Joe. His past record, policies are bad, racist. Joe is a hypocrite, has no business running.
War Hawk Joe is preparing for a loss of Iowa and New Hampshire. His campaign has insisted that, if it happens, it doesn't matter. He's got South Carolina sewn up, they insist. But, as we've demonstrated this week, this same time in 2007, polls said Hillary Clinton had South Carolina sewn up. Then Barack won Iowa and, oops, Hillary's support vanished in South Carolina.
It was mid-month December 2007. Hillary Clinton was the front runner in the national polls. As for South Carolina? CNN put her at 42% to Barack's 34%, SURVEY USA put her at 44% to Barack's 40%, CBS NEWS put her at 34% to Barack's 35%.
January 26, the vote finally took place -- no ranked choice voting options, by the way.
And all the polls that had Hillary with a lead or within 1% of Barack?
Hillary only got 26.5% of the vote. 55.4% of it went to Barack.
Get it?
South Carolina will decide after Iowa. After New Hampshire. The results of both states prior will cast all the candidates in a certain light. Should Joe lose Iowa, he will be seen as a loser. Should he lose both Iowa and New Hampshire, he will be the ultimate loser.
That's the reality. And, oops, Joe's already losing some support in South Carolina. David Sherfinski (WASHINGTON TIMES) reports:
Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s Democratic opponents are eating into his lead in Mr. Biden’s “firewall” state of South Carolina, according to a Post and Courier-Change Research poll released on Thursday.
Mr. Biden was the top choice of 27% of likely Democratic primary voters, followed by Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont at 20% and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts at 19%, according to the poll.
It’s the first time since February that Mr. Biden hasn’t had a double-digit lead in the state in Post and Courier-Change polls.
Woops. And Andy Shain (POST AND COURIER) notes it as well:
Joe Biden might need to check his firewall.
The former vice president’s lead in South Carolina keeps shrinking in Post and Courier-Change Research polls as the 2020 Democratic presidential primary gets closer — and even after a key competitor for Palmetto State votes, U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris of California, dropped out of the race.
The latest poll released Thursday shows Biden with just a 7 percentage point lead among likely voters in the South’s first primary, the first time he has not held a double-digit advantage in seven Post and Courier-Change Research surveys taken since February.
Poor Joe. Suffering from shrinkage. And at his age.
7% is no real lead. It's just beyond the margin of error. Joe's struggling and people still get honest about that.
Here's some honesty they're not offering. Iowa?
It was pointless of Joe and his malarkey to waste time there in the last weeks. His supporters are predominately elderly. In a primary, that doesn't really matter. In a caucus state? In 2008, we were in Iowa for the caucus and the one we were at went on until well past midnight. During that time, we saw tons of people walk out. They were tired, they were disgusted in some cases.
Guess what?
No young people walked out (teens to mid-twenties). That's where Joe is weakest in support.
Start telling the truth in the media. Stop wasting our time with b.s. headlines about how "Joe's ahead!" in whatever state . . . if you use ranked choice voting when, in fact, the state doesn't use ranked choice voting.
Reality: No campaign is weaker in Iowa than Joe Biden's. And that nonsense tour was a waste of time. While he was on the ground there, others were in South Carolina ensuring that his support erodes.
If you're not getting how big Joe's decline in South Carolina is, FITS NEWS offers, "Biden is currently drawing the support of 27 percent of likely South Carolina Democratic primary voters, per the survey – his worst mark since pollsters began tracking the race. Just last month, a CBS News/ YouGuv survey showed Biden backed by 45 percent of South Carolina Democrats."
Shrinkage. Did someone say Tiny Pete? Joe Biden's personal Mini-Me is also having problems. Julia Conley (COMMON DREAMS) reports:
Though they initially viewed South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg as an intriguing and progressive newcomer when he began his presidential campaign early this year, the #RefundPete hashtag began trending Thursday morning on social media as a growing number of former donors started requesting their donations back in the wake of recent revelations about the 2020 Democratic candidate.
Kristen Hill, a volunteer community leader for the presidential primary campaign of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in North Carolina, was one of the first voters to kick off the viral hashtag #RefundPete.
"If Pete Buttigieg fooled you into thinking he was a progressive at the beginning of his campaign and you donated what he thinks is pocket change, you can ask for a refund by emailing your receipt to," Hill tweeted.
Buttigieg has raised 52% of his $50 million campaign dollars through large contributions, and has so far been outraised by both Sanders and Warren.
"Just got my refund from Pete's campaign," wrote one social media user as the #RefundPete hashtag took off. "It was just pocket change so he won't miss it."
Another shared the email they sent to the campaign as the hashtag took off.
People want their money back.
I want my money back
I'm down here drowning in your fat
You got me on my knees
Praying for everything you lack
I ain't afraid of you
I'm just a victim of your fears
You cower in your tower
Praying that I'll disappear
I got another plan
One that requires me to stand
On the stage or in the street
Don't need no microphone or beat
And when you hear this song
If you ain't dead sing along
Bang and strum to these here drums
Till you get where you belong
I got a list of demands
Written on the palm of my hands
I ball my fist, you're gonna
Know where I stand
I'm living hand to mouth
You wanna be somebody? See somebody?
Try and free somebody?
"List of Demands (Reparations)" -- The Kills
In Iraq, the protests continue. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq has released a new report which notes:
On December 8, Iraqi judicial authorities said that 2,626 protesters who had been arrested during protests since October 1 have been released through December 8. The statement added that 181 protesters remain in custody pending the conclusion of investigations into their respective charges.
On December 8, unknown gunmen on a motorcycle assassinated activists Fahim al-Taie in central Karbala. Assassins have targeted a number of other activists in recent days. Activists Ehab al-Wazni and Muhannad al-Ka’bi both survived attempts on their lives in Karbala in which militants used silenced weapons and a sticky IED, respectively. Another activist, Basim al-Zubeidi also survived an attack by gunmen in Maysan province. On December 10, activist Ali al-Lami was found dead with bullet wounds to his head about 12 hours after he went missing in Baghdad. Activists and protesters are also facing threats of kidnappings and forced disappearances. On December 11, social media posts said that two young Iraqi activists, Omar al-Amiri and Salman al-Mansouri, went missing that day while on their way to purchase new tents for the protest site near Tahrir Square. On December 11, AFP published a report describing the kidnapping and beating ordeals that to which several protesters were subjected last week as part of what appears to be a systematic campaign of intimidation. Some of these activists were later released alive, while at least one activist was killed by her captors.
On December 9, the office of the Iraqi Human Rights Commission in Dhi-Qar released statistics on the deaths and injuries among protesters in the province between October 1 and December 3. The report found that 88 of the 94 protesters who died in the province were killed by live bullets. The report also found that 71 of those killed were between 16 and 29 years old. In addition to the deaths, there were 1,648 recorded injuries and 600 detentions among protesters during the same period.
On December 11, the UN Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) published a new report on Iraq’s ongoing demonstration covering the period from November 5 to December 8. The report shows that at least 170 people were killed and 2,264 more were injured during that period. The document says that “UNAMI continued to receive credible allegations of deliberate killings, abduction and arbitrary detention carried out by unknown armed men described as: ‘militia’, ‘unknown third parties’, ‘armed entities’, ‘outlaws’ and ‘spoilers’.” The report also highlights the fact that the Iraqi government is refusing to allow UNAMI to access hospitals that are receiving demonstrations casualties whether to review their data on casualties or to speak with admitted patients.
On December 12, Iraq’s Ministry of Migration reported that it has assisted 65 Iraqi refugees in returning home from Turkey. The ministry routinely helps Iraqi refugees return home through the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration program, which had supported the return of at least 232 refugees in October and November.
At what point are we going to demand that our candidates for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination offer some comment on what's going on in Iraq right now? Thus far, only Bernie Sanders has taken the time to note the protests.
This week’s #Iraq headlines:
• Protests intensify during two-year anniversary of victory over #ISIS
• Disputes in Parliament over electoral law amendments
• Mob lynching in #Wathba Square stirs public opinion
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