- There is only one choice on your ballot
that will abolish student debt:
@DrJillStein / @ajamubaraka #VoteGreen2016
- When Democrats falsely claim the Greens or @DrJillStein are Russian agents, make sure to show them this and many more images. #McCarthyism
A large number of important topics in those Tweets.
We need to abolish student loan debt.
We need to open the debates.
And we need to end McCarthyism -- not revive it the way Hillary and her supporters are trying to do.
This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Friday, September 23, 2016. Chaos and violence continue, Zebari talks
conspiracy and admits he has covered up fraud and corruption, Barack
Obama does not use the d-word no matter what liars like Juan Cole tell
you, and much more.
Kicking things off with Hillary Clinton's disgraced colleague and good friend Hoshyar Zebaria.
The disgraced Zebari was ousted this week due to corruption.
Like a Clinton, he's not going to take defeat easily. So yesterday, he held a press conference in Erbil, drove the BMW (Bitch Moan and Whine) around for over and hour.
-- "Napolean," written by Ani DiFranco, first appears on her DILATE
But complain he did. Over and over again.
Mahdi Talat (REUTERS) reports Zebari has found someone to blame for his ouster: Nouri al-Maliki. Zebari is charging a conspiracy to oust him led by Iraq's former prime minister and forever thug Nouri.
Zebari is quoated insisting, "The side that is behind the questioning and withdrawal of confidence is the State of Law and its head Nuri al-Maliki in collusion unfortunately with the speaker of parliament Saleem al-Jabouri."
And if you didn't know how bad Zebari was, look, the whore of Baghdad herself is vouching for him.
Kicking things off with Hillary Clinton's disgraced colleague and good friend Hoshyar Zebaria.
The disgraced Zebari was ousted this week due to corruption.
Like a Clinton, he's not going to take defeat easily. So yesterday, he held a press conference in Erbil, drove the BMW (Bitch Moan and Whine) around for over and hour.
now you think, so that is
the way it's gonna be
that's what this is all about
i think that that is
the way it always was
you chose not to notice until now
yeah now that there's a problem
you call me up to confide
and you go on for over an hour
the way it's gonna be
that's what this is all about
i think that that is
the way it always was
you chose not to notice until now
yeah now that there's a problem
you call me up to confide
and you go on for over an hour
'bout each one that took you for a ride
and i guess that you dialed my number
'cuz you thought for sure that i'd agree
i said baby, you know i still love you
but how dare you complain to me
'cuz you thought for sure that i'd agree
i said baby, you know i still love you
but how dare you complain to me
-- "Napolean," written by Ani DiFranco, first appears on her DILATE
But complain he did. Over and over again.
Mahdi Talat (REUTERS) reports Zebari has found someone to blame for his ouster: Nouri al-Maliki. Zebari is charging a conspiracy to oust him led by Iraq's former prime minister and forever thug Nouri.
Zebari is quoated insisting, "The side that is behind the questioning and withdrawal of confidence is the State of Law and its head Nuri al-Maliki in collusion unfortunately with the speaker of parliament Saleem al-Jabouri."
And if you didn't know how bad Zebari was, look, the whore of Baghdad herself is vouching for him.
#Iraq slides further into the abyss with move to unseat finance minister Zebari, one of few credible ministers and senior Kurd in government
Of course, we believe you, Jane Arraf.
I mean, you refused to report the crimes of Saddam Hussein. Then you refused to report the crimes of Nouri al-Maliki.
You've lied throughout your career as a 'reporter.'
If you say he's golden, then we know he's . . . rusted.
And corrupt.
Which he demonstrated in the press conference.
ASHARQ AL-AWSAT reports that he "threatened to publicly expose important corruption files in the country, accusing former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of orchestrating his removal from office to prepare for overthrowing the government of current Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi."
They quote him declaring, "We confronted corruption at all state levels and we possess big and serious corruption files that we will send to international observers."
Excuse me.
I need to do a correction.
They quote him admitting, "We confronted corruption at all state levels and we possess big and serious corruption files that we will send to international observers."
As a public servant of Iraq, it was his duty to turn over files and evidence of corruption -- not after he gets caught himself, but when has documentation.
So Zebari is not just corrupt, he's willing to look the other way at others corruption as well -- provided they are silent about his own.
The people of Iraq are being robbed and defrauded and Zebari admits in public that he has proof of this that he has sat on but now that he's been tossed out for corruption he's willing to come forward.
Only Jane Arraf, whore of Baghdad, could Tweet in support of someone as corrupt as Zebari.
Stability built on corruption is worth nothing. Mr. Zebari had it coming.
And while Jane works a lonely street, for the firs time Abbas Kadhim and I manage to agree. Well said, Kadhim.
The Q is: will the KDP punish Hoshyar Zebari for his corruption actions or will promote him to another higher position in Erbil or Baghdad?
Hillary Clinton's good friend needs to be shown the door permanently.
Yesterday, the US Defense Dept announced:
Strikes in Iraq
Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft as well as rocket artillery conducted 13 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:
-- Near Baghdadi, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a repeater tower and a bunker.
-- Near Mosul, four strikes engaged four ISIL tactical units and destroyed three weapons caches and suppressed a sniper firing position.
-- Near Qayyarah, four strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units and destroyed 38 vehicles, four watercraft and a land bridge. A culvert entrance was damaged and a tactical unit was suppressed.
-- Near Ramadi, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles, two supply caches and a fuel tank.
-- Near Sultan Abdallah, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle and an artillery system.
-- Near Tal Afar, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a checkpoint.
Task force officials define a strike as one or more kinetic events that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative, effect. Therefore, officials explained, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone ISIL vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against buildings, vehicles and weapon systems in a compound, for example, having the cumulative effect of making those targets harder or impossible for ISIL to use. Accordingly, officials said, they do not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. Ground-based artillery fired in counterfire or in fire support to maneuver roles is not classified as a strike.
Bombings will not run the Islamic State out of Iraq.
Driven underground is not an option for peace.
The reasons why the Islamic State received support in Iraq have to be addressed for ISIL to be defeated there.
That means ending the persecution of the Sunnis.
Nasim Ahmed (MEM) wants to join the Juan Cole club.
It's a club of stupid or lying.
Both wanted to weigh in this week on Iraq and Barack Obama.
Both insisted that the US President spoke about "D--sh."
No, he didn't, stop lying.
His full remarks appeared in Tuesday's snapshot (as did Hayder al-Abadi's but we're only reposting Barack's):
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Let me begin by just commenting on the events that have unfolded today. This morning, I talked about the fact that there was a person of interest that the FBI and law enforcement had identified with respect to the bombs that had been planted in the New York and New Jersey area. As everybody is now aware, that individual has been apprehended.
And I just want to start by commenting on the extraordinary work and coordination that's taken place between the FBI and local enforcement. For us to be able to apprehend a suspect in just a little over 24 hours after an event takes place like this, it is outstanding police work, outstanding law enforcement work.
I, in particular, want to give a heartfelt thanks to the New Jersey police officers who were able to apprehend this individual. I had a chance to talk to them briefly before I came down to my meetings here. They are going to be fine. They have sustained some modest injuries, but ones that they'll rapidly recover from. They were in good spirits. And I communicated to them how appreciative the American people were, as well as people in the region. It's just one more reminder of the extraordinary skill and sacrifice and courage of our law enforcement officers and what they put on the line every single day to make sure that we are safe.
Beyond that, obviously information is still unfolding about what might have motivated the suspect. I'm going to leave it to the FBI and local law enforcement authorities to discuss those details with you. I will also comment on the fact that, with respect to the Minnesota stabbings that occurred, I had a chance to talk to the off-duty police officer there who undoubtedly saved a lot of lives and prevented further injury because of his quick and effective action. And I told him that, once again, the American people were appreciative of his work and his heroism.
Now, one of the challenges that we face is -- in addition to being an open society in which individuals who are disturbed in some fashion can carry out violence against the American people -- the big danger we have right now is, is that we have an organization in ISIL that is actively trying to radicalize and promote extremism of this sort. In addition, they are directly carrying out and planning constant attacks not only overseas, but within Iraq and within Syria.
And so it is with great appreciation that I welcome Prime Minister Abadi here, along with his delegation. Thanks to the sacrifices of the Iraqi people and the Iraqi armed forces, since I last met with him face-to-face a year ago, we have significant progress in rolling back ISIL. They have now lost over half of the populated territory that they had gained and were still maintaining as recently as last year. And what we've seen now is just steady progress as the Iraqi security forces have gained more confidence as they have coordinated with the 67-member coalition against ISIL.
And now, what we have been discussing and what we're focusing on is to go right at the heart of the ISIL operations in Mosul. Now, this is going to be a challenging battle. Mosul is a large city, and ISIL has embedded itself deeply within that city. But because of the prepositioning of forces, because of the cooperation between the coalition and the Iraqi security forces, because of the cooperation and courage of the Kurdish Peshmerga, we feel confident that we will be in a position to move forward fairly rapidly.
Now, it will be a tough fight. And once it is initiated, one of the things that we discussed is the importance of not just driving ISIL out of Mosul but making sure that the population there that invariably is going to be displaced and will have suffered, and is going to be looking for warmth and food and water and shelter, that we are prepared to help provide rapid humanitarian assistance, and that we can rebuild the city in a way that assures not only ISIL does not come back, but extremist ideologies born out of desperation do not return.
And so a lot of our work today has been focused on making sure that that happens. I am very grateful that Prime Minister Abadi has consistently operated in a way that indicates his commitment to an inclusive Iraq that treats everybody fairly, respects human rights. And the work that we're doing with the Iraqi government will adhere to those principles, not just in the Mosul campaign, but beyond.
But this is going to be hard. This is going to be challenging and will require resources. We're going to be asking Congress to step up in support of this effort, and we're going to be asking other countries to step up in support of this effort.
And my thanks go out not only to the Iraqi forces that have borne the brunt of the progress that's been made inside of Iraq, as well as the Kurdish Peshmerga, but also obviously our outstanding men and women in uniform. Although they are not on the front lines of the fight and not involved directly in combat, it's still a dangerous area to operate. And I think Prime Minister Abadi would be the first to say that our men and women from all branches of our armed forces have operated with incredible effectiveness and courage in providing the training and the assistance that has allowed us to make these gains.
So, hopefully, by the end of this year, we will have seen further progress with respect to Mosul, and that we will continue to see further progress with respect to economic and political stabilization inside of Iraq.
Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for your good work, and thank you to all the members of your team for the excellent work that they've done, as well.
Read over the above.
Slowly, if you need to.
Where does Barack use the d-word?
He doesn't.
When Robin Morgan started her xenophobic ranting and raving and attacks on Arabs -- that's what they were, Robin, and bringing on a French Arab the next week to vouch for you didn't change the way you were seen in the Arab world -- we noted that Barack had walked away from that term.
And we noted why.
Helps to have friends in the administration.
We've also noted that Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has avoided that term and the DoD does not use it.
Brett McGurk, Barack's special envoy, sometimes uses it.
The embarrassing John Kerry always uses it.
Barack doesn't.
He had a discussion about the term and how using it could alienate Arabs who were not part of the Islamic State which is the last thing anyone wants to do when they're seeking peace and support to defeat the Islamic State.
So stop saying Barack talked about the d-word because he didn't use that slur.
He knows better.
So to the MEM piece:
The results of governing Iraq as a country of three separate nations — Sunni, Shia and Kurds — have been calamitous. The sectarian politics of Nouri Al-Maliki’s government pushed Sunni Iraqis into the clutches of extremist groups like [the Islamic State]. As hard as it may be for us to imagine, any alternative to the corruption and sectarianism of Al-Maliki’s government seemed a better option to the people of Iraq; why should they stay as part of a union where they do not have a future?
This is a bleak reminder of the challenges facing Iraq on its road to becoming a stable country once more. With Obama’s eyes focused on defeating [the Islamic State], it’s quite easy to underestimate the deep-rooted problems which allowed Iraq to become a fertile ground for extremist groups in the first place.
Despite Obama’s acclamation that Prime Minister Al-Abadi is committed to an inclusive Iraq where everybody is treated fairly and human rights are respected, the problems of sectarianism, the lack of sovereignty and prevalent corruption still loom large.
I don't think Barack's under-estimated it so much as he's got a rogue Secretary of State on his hands with John Kerry more interested in playing Secretary of Defense than doing his own job.
As for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, earlier this month she insisted no US troops would ever be "boots on the ground" again.
US troops supporting Shia militias & Iraqi army in Northern Iraq fronts, probably south of #Mosul
Those don't look like ballet slippers.
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