Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Green Party finally speaks

Hope you already caught all of last night's community theme posts about podcasts and YOUTUBE:


    This week, the Green Party finally issued a press release for the month of June and, today, for the month of July.  I'l note the one issued today:

    Demanding Action on Reparations, Greens Release National Petition Pressuring Passage of HR 40

    WASHINGTON — In anticipation of Independence Day, the Green Party of the United States has released a national petition demanding Congress and President Biden pass HR 40 to study and develop reparations proposals for Americans whose ancestors were enslaved in the United States.

    Green Party of the United States

    For Immediate Release:
    Thursday, July 1, 2021


    Michael O’Neil, Communications Manager,, 202-804-2758
    Diana Brown, Co-chair, Media Committee,, 202-804-2758
    Philena Farley, Co-chair, Media Committee,, 202-804-2758
    Tahern Crews, Co-chair, Green Party National Black Caucus,, 202-804-2758

    “HR 40 was first introduced in 1989 and has been introduced in every following congressional session,” said Green Party National Co-chair and National Black Caucus Co-chair Trahern Crews. “It is shameful that legislation representing such rudimentary — and yet necessary — steps toward reparations has been allowed to languish this long. It is time for the American ‘conversation’ around the legacy of slavery to turn into action and restitution.”

    Four million Africans and their descendants were enslaved within the territory and colonies that became the United States from 1619 to 1865. Greens and other advocates for racial equity argue that a system of structural and institutional racism has persisted beyond the Emancipation Proclamation and the 1964 Civil Rights Act to the current era.

    “The long-term effects of American chattel slavery and repressive public policies such as convict leasing, red-lining, redistricting and mass incarceration are apparent in both demographic data and documented violence against Black lives,” said Philena Farley, a member of the National Black Caucus Executive Committee. “COVID-19 and the murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Daunte Wright and Andre Brown at the hands of police have, time and again, illuminated ugly systemic racism and brutal disparities between Blacks and Whites in the United States,” continued Farley.

    The Green Party’s petition calls on representatives of both houses of Congress to co-endorse and pass HR 40, which would establish a commission to study and develop reparations proposals and “examine slavery and discrimination in the colonies and the United States from 1619 to the present and recommend appropriate remedies.”


    Green Party HR 40 Petition at

    Text of HR 40 at

    Green Party endorses U.S. House Resolution on Reparations for the descendants of Africans enslaved in the U.S.  Feb 14, 2018

    More on Reparations at

    Green Party of the United States


    Newsroom | Twitter: @GreenPartyUS

    Green Party Platform

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    Green candidate database and campaign information

    Ballot Access

    Facebook page


    Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States

    Green Papers

    ~ END ~

    This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

     Thursday, July 1, 2021.  Hell's a little richer today, but the world has lost a War Criminal.


    That's Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Requiem for a War Hawk" which ran November 19, 2006 -- Bully Boy Bush, Dick Cheney and Condi Rice gather due to the departing Donald Rumsfeld -- who was Rumsfled at that point.  He argued 'stay the course' in Iraq but, of course, he fled his own duty, leaving his post as Secretary of Defense while the illegal war he helped start continued to drag on (and still does continue).

    Rumsfled has fled again.  He's passed away.  

    Below, the cast of THE WIZ reacts to the news of Donald's passing.

    At the age of 88, the War Criminal passed away.  Bully Boy Bush issued a statement apparently crafted by someone else in which he hailed Rumsfled as "intelligent" to which a disbelieving world yells back, "Spell it!"  

    We all know he's too stupid to spell the word.  

    Dick and his equally homophobic wife* Lynne Cheney issued a statement about the "huge change he made in our lives" -- I guess it's not surprising to learn that he waterboarded Dick and Lynne -- Lynne did write that trashy sex novel so their kinkiness really isn't all that surprising.  (Dick and Lynne now embrace their lesbian daughter.  In 2004, when the issue of gay rights was raised in a vice presidential debate between John Edwards and Dick Cheney, Edwards spoke about the importance of equality and hoped that Dick would agree since Mary was a lesbian.  The response was to try to shame Edwards, the Democratic Party and the whole wide world because a lesbian had been acknowledged.)

    Donald lived to be 88.  Most of his victims were not so fortunate.  

    AFP reports:

    Iraqis responded on Thursday (Jul 1) with a mixture of bitterness and indifference to the death of Donald Rumsfeld, former United States defence secretary and architect of the 2003 invasion of their country.

    "I'm not saddened by the death of an occupier," said Saad Jabbar, a transport ministry employee, a day after Rumsfeld's family announced his death at the age of 88.

    The US "left us nothing but memories of occupation and destruction".

    In charge of the US military for most of George W Bush's presidency, Rumsfeld led the charge into devastating wars in Iraq and Afghanistan following the Sep 11, 2001, attacks on New York and the Pentagon.

    The Iraq invasion, based on false claims that Baghdad had weapons of mass destruction, removed dictator Saddam Hussein, and Washington promised it would bring democracy and freedom to the region.

    In reality it sparked years of sectarian violence and led to the emergence of the jihadist Islamic State group.

    "I don't think history will look kindly at (Rumsfeld and Bush) because of the catastrophes they caused, including to the Iraqi people," said a tribal leader from Iraq's Anbar province who asked not to be named.

    Glenn Greenwald Tweets:

    There's nothing that Donald Trump managed to do that got close to the worst and most destructive acts of Donald Rumsfeld and his comrades.

    2:44 PM · Jun 30, 2021

    Abby Martin's EMPIRE FILES Tweeted:

    A hallmark of Donald Rumsfeld’s legacy: he was always jovial and laughing it up! Even when thousands of people were dying from his malicious lies, it couldn’t get him down!

    Katie Halper Tweets:

    We lost a sexy one today, fam.

    Sad but true.  Ugly men -- on the inside and on the outside -- like Donald and Bully Boy Bush were openly gushed over by the press.  Their masochistic tendencies were on full display daily.  


    From April 23, 2006, that's "Ego Mania vs. the United States." 

    George Zornick Tweets:

    The torture memo signed by Donald Rumsfeld, 12/2/02, authorizing 20-hour interrogations, removal of clothing, the use of phobias, and stress positions for up to 4 hours. Note his handwriting at bottom: "However, I stand for 8-10 hours A day. Why is Standing limited to 4 hours"


    Margaret Kimberley Tweets:

    Donald Rumsfeld armed Iraq to attack Iran with WMDs. Then he used WMDs as the pretext to invade Iraq. He killed a lot of people. Good to remember that no one escapes the grim reaper.

    Sarah Abdallah Tweets:

    Donald Rumsfeld will be remembered as one of the war criminals who spearheaded the illegal invasion and destruction of Iraq - an aggression that led to the death, torture and displacement of millions of innocents. He won’t be missed.

    Fiorella Isabel Tweets:

    Ok at least we got one warmonger traded for an anti imperialist taken too soon. Rest in hades Donald Rumsfeld.

    3:25 PM · Jun 30, 2021

    Kevin Gosztola offers this Twitter thread:

    Donald Rumsfeld was war criminal. He didn’t merely “oversee” Iraq War. He was an architect, who backed extrajudicial executions and systematic torture at Abu Ghraib, Bagram, Guantanamo Bay and other prisons. He approved torture plans for Mohamedou Slahi and Mohammed al-Qahtani

    But Rumsfeld died without ever facing any accountability or justice for his actions because President Barack Obama’s administration refused to prosecute former Bush administration officials implicated in torture and other war crimes.
    Obituaries for Rumsfeld from establishment news media reflect a government and society that decriminalized torture by its leaders

    Richard Medhurst Tweets:

    Rumsfeld is dead

    Member of the European Union MEP Radek Sikorski Tweets:

    I worked with Donald Rumsfeld as Poland's minister of defence during the Iraq war 2005-2007 and I agree with this assessment. The man was a spiteful prig who landed the U.S. and its allies into a sea of unnecessary trouble.

    12:31 AM · Jul 1, 2021

    Akilah Hughes Tweets:

    Donald Rumsfeld died by drowning in all the blood on his hands from the Iraq war. Really makes you think.

    Julian Borger (GUARDIAN) observes:

    Donald Rumsfeld’s name will forever be associated with the biggest military fiasco in US history, the 2003 invasion of Iraq in pursuit of non-existent weapons of mass destruction, alongside the widespread use of torture that has dogged America’s reputation ever since.

    It is not just the poor decisions he made as defence secretary for which Rumsfeld will be remembered, but also his efforts to cover up inconvenient facts that did not align with his version of reality.

    Documents surfaced after the invasion that showed that Rumsfeld was quite aware of the gaping holes in the intelligence about Iraqi WMD, but he consistently presented the claims to the public as if they were cast-iron certainties.

    He also played down the growing insurgency against the US-led occupation after Saddam Hussein’s fall, dismissing the collapse of law and order in Baghdad with the insouciant phrase “stuff happens”, which would go on to haunt him for the rest of his life.

    Donald Rumsfeld’s name will forever be associated with the biggest military fiasco in US history, the 2003 invasion of Iraq in pursuit of non-existent weapons of mass destruction, alongside the widespread use of torture that has dogged America’s reputation ever since.


    It is not just the poor decisions he made as defence secretary for which Rumsfeld will be remembered, but also his efforts to cover up inconvenient facts that did not align with his version of reality.

    Documents surfaced after the invasion that showed that Rumsfeld was quite aware of the gaping holes in the intelligence about Iraqi WMD, but he consistently presented the claims to the public as if they were cast-iron certainties.

    He also played down the growing insurgency against the US-led occupation after Saddam Hussein’s fall, dismissing the collapse of law and order in Baghdad with the insouciant phrase “stuff happens”, which would go on to haunt him for the rest of his life.

    His reluctance to heed warnings that did not fit in with his world view alienated the generals and the military rank and file. His insistence there was no serious threat in Iraq contributed to the fact that the US military was driving around in lightly armoured Humvees a year after the invasion.

    In November 2006, the Army Times took the unusual step of calling for his resignation.

    “Rumsfeld has lost credibility with the uniformed leadership, with the troops, with Congress and with the public at large,” an editorial said. “His strategy has failed, and his ability to lead is compromised. And although the blame for our failures in Iraq rests with the secretary, it will be the troops who bear its brunt.”

    Iraq, the land of orphans and widows, remains a disaster thanks to Donald Rumsfeld and his ilk.  As they struggle with one day after another over 100 degrees F and with little to no electricity, the protests resume.  Zhyan English notes:

    Arbat residents protest against lack of electricity and water and give the authorities a week deadline to meet their demands, southeast of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, July 1, 2021. Photos by Goran Abdulla #ZhyanEnglish #Electricity #Water #Sulaimani #TwitterKurd

    And they continue to protest in Basra.

    Video of the protests in #basra #iraq tonight.
    Quote Tweet
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    Protests continue, as MIDDLE EAST EYE notes, in spite of the attacks on the protesters.


    The following sites updated:

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